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Do Good. Be Kind. Kindness Always Win

james white alpha omega tattoo

I would like to know why you find it more unreasonable to go to the disciple of the disciple of the one chosen by Christ himself than to take a route never spoken of by Christ or the Bible, and just confess to God by yourself. James White is not. unkind, nor do I have anything personal against James White. 1. Why cant it be me and my Bible alone? CareBear, As Ive stated previously: 5:14). Ergo, accepting that the church had canon revealed to it and accepting the Bible as it is, is no longer bending a knee to the Tradition of Rome, but rather to the revelation of God to His people. Read Whites post on this, he aks some diffult questions and quite frankly it is Jimmy Akin and Dr. Beckwith who have evaded these important questions and have focues on this did you read rtrent fiasco. nothing wrong with that He is the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone. Posted by: CareBear | Aug 9, 2007 9:31:13 PM You really dont know? The intention of the radical Muslim who beheads is to bring death to those whom they disagree with. Esau- true. No such sign was given to the dead hierarchy of Jesus day but the resurrection of Jesus Himself, and it is still the best expression of why primitive, authentic Christianity cannot be equated to a particular denomination. I hurry to finish my response to the article published by Dr. Shabir Ally shortly after our debate at the University of Pretoria in South Africa in early October. Did Jesus tell us to forgive only those who ask forgiveness? I am a theorist I merely analyze humor he has to consider its impact. You have made your point abundantly clear: we deserve it. So if the above questions about divine revelation of the proper canon of scripture were answered by White elsewhere in his book, then explain itdont just say you need to read his book. Jesus says, And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins, and we also forgive everyone who sins against us. Thats everyone, anyone and anything. All someone has to do is know the URL of the site they wish to forward to. (And of course by that I mean owning up to one.) How many photos of mob scenes like the ones White doctored depict mobs of authoritarian Catholics? Hes Protestant. Perhaps you can shed some light on this topic? Hes lived in Phoenix since 2015 and resides from sunny (and expensive) San Diego. Im bowing out as I believe we are all wasting our time here in the most complete and unedifying manner. Since you have probably never heard of me, as you do not, as far as I know, have a scholarly interest in humor, you can check out my research on the web (google my last name and the word, humor). Here is the link so people can judge for themselves. A word to CareBear (since you seem to want to speak to matters of logic often times): the logic of humor is about three times harder to understand than anything you are likely to have seen, even if you were to be a professional logician, so, if I have made what you consider to be any logical mistakes in my presentation here, spare me the analysis. Hello, is that just priceless or what? I give up. So no one should respond to Hittchens or Dawkins because they are sometimes offensive? You change your mind about sin (John 3:20), admitting that you're a guilty Examine the situation with the url I think there is also a misunderstanding on what the word Charity means. Stop twisting things. Its not a true blog, that part aside, one can email Dr White directly and comments that have come through email are handled by Dr. White or aomin.org staff. Just because Dr. White may personally see his pictures as levity and humorous sarcasm, in a Christian sense, he is 9+scandal&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=us Clearly, some of us do misunderstand it, as there are many different understandings of Holy Scripture. Are Temples Consistent with NT Christianity? So you should be thankful for the checks-and-balances provided by those of us outside your walls. And I was directly responding to the content of your post, to correct it. Or less substantive. To His name be all glory. The word hypocrisy comes to mind with this double standard (to put it mildly). A normal day in the life of James White is nothing to us. (Eric)I respect Akin but I do feel he misdirected people away from the tough theological questions. When I want your opinion, Ill go to Whites blog. And youre right, that does sound fallacious. He posted the same pictures you did Jimmy. We will continue this review over the course of the next few programs, with the exception of this Thursday when we will be examining the textual variant at Luke 23:34 Lets see what some of the topics were: Sam Gipp and Antioch manuscripts, the Church & Culture, Debating the Papacy, Justification and Roman Catholic apologists, how to talk to Christians who have bought into social justice theories, and more! The Teaching of Clement If you were Catholic, Id tell you to go to confession. These folks who have deviously perpetrated the entire affair here are a DISGRACE to Protestants!!! Actually, Matthew, your comment doesnt hold much water. of a nagging, impatient temperament Please clarify your frustration for me. For Pete sakes people your committing logical fallacy in pretty much every post. The fact heand his fansare incapable of acknowledging any moral or factual error in dealing with Catholics is why were still at it four days later. Tech Street3: But, all the same, I think he was right to try to end the debate or at least give White an opportunity to correct his offense and bring the conversation back to a level of civility. Road Trip Dividing Line from Texas: Special Revelation, Natural Revelation, and Some Inseparable Operations posted by James White on February 23rd, 2023. aomin.org. The Acts of Paul So, we have an example of a human work done in faith though the result is due to God. (CC 2009). And I take it James White wasnt doing any name-calling by the pictures he posted? That is the data I have used for analysis, nothing more. But going beyond that is the why to which I was referring. This could constitute a rejection of Christ and His gospel (again according to the believer) and therefore de-Christianizes the saved who falls away from grace (or prove that the person was never saved in the first place, according to Calvinism which was not taught at my Baptist church). Of course, you may want to read whats already been written on topic from the Catholic perspective and then say what the sticking point is for you. I had a much longer post analyzing Dr. Whites attempted humor, but this one will already be too long according to Da Rulz. Foxfier: it seems like convenient outrage. James White owes Catholics an apology for this. Sure, there are those blessed with such patience as to bear the insult gracefully. I pray he will have success, but since there is no authority on the interpretation of the Koran, just what the individual imams preach, I dont know. apologize to ????him. Meant to say Salvation controversy by Akin, great book, was also thinkinbg of White scripture alone book which i think is also a great book lol. This snippet begins with a rather bizarre straw-man argument subtly disguised as a jab at the Church. That includes urging one another the abandon wrong paths, and always acting in love. Question: if the Bible is 100% Gods Word (as I believe as well), why do we talk about Paul, Peter, Matthew, etc. In Christ, James used to be an Elder at my church, and I've discussed the issue with him several times in the past. As far as we know, it could have been nothing but grannies and babies calling him to charity. Oh, and for the record, I think sockpuppetry, silly parodies and similarly goofy tactics (like people who insist on being called doctor while at the same time using moronic photoshops) have no place in serious debate and/or dialogue. But if the persons demonstrate a pattern of being unable to carry on a rational discussion, your time might be better spent elsewhere. Ill choose to not read Dr. Whites book at this time. I noticed that the URL was ww.jamesrwhite.org, yet the website presented was Catholic Answers. soldiers funerals. (Though the laughter is gaining the upper hand at the moment. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, inspiration is a supernatural fact, known only to God and probably to the inspired writer. Is Trent more clear than Scripture? It is a thing and gnostic thing were his words. Has anyone ever heard of James White making a single mistake? Respond even stronger? You cannot go to the individual books of the bible to determine just which books actually belong to the bible. 1. because it is Gods revelation and His authority and he does not share or mediate that authority ever. As it is, there is enough uncharitableness to go around. Kind of like Aikido, if someone does not throw a punch, you really cannot do anything. what can you add? Why would I have to? In terms of Beckwiths conversion, yea i can see how someone would get upset with white for turning that into a stepping stone for his cause against the catholic faithin that sense it is serious. Its never too late to save anyone. Seriously, try to keep the contradictions at least a post or two apart. Those photos get in the way of discussion. You might sincerely believe that use of those photos were justified, but the consequence is that people dont want to engage with those who defend them. Trying to claim superiority is likewise wrong. You should, by your own authority (since you dont acknowledge that of the Church), re-consider all the books that are currently in the bible, but also, in addition, take up all those other books that the Catholic Church rejected time and again in the Councils of Rome (382 AD), Hippo (393 AD) and Carthage (397 AD). why did Jesus qualify His command that we must forgive with the words if he repents? Christians are also called to help those brothers and sisters in Christ who are failing in some substantial matter of living their faith. But to claim theres some comparison within Catholicism is a joke. Has the New Testament Been Accurately Transmitted? Whites assertions destroy his own position. What we have here, technically, is an example of weak joke competence with no associated humor competence, in the sense of the terms as used by the linguist, Dr. Amy Carrell, who has done the most, to date, to characterize the initiator/target relationship of joke-teller/audience in humor. He cites from patristic sources regularly. The lack of charity on James White part guarantees that his arguments (and he doubtless has some) will fall on deaf ears. God can do as He pleases. http://jimmyakin.typepad.com/defensor_fidei/2007/08/james-white-has.html#c79351988. Second, if someone is BOTH unprincipled AND incompetent, and White is both, then it might well be a moral obligation not to treat such a man as if he were reasonable. CareBear, St. Paul urged the Corinthians: By the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ that there be no dissensions among you (1 Cor. James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries. Registrant ID:DI_471115 I understand hes real nice in person. Alpha and Omega are the beginning and the end in tattoo symbolism and meanings. He can think youre going to hell and still treat you as decent human beings. I can understand the efforts to attempt to put a spin on it in order to put White in the worst light. However, Im not quite sure how familiar you are with Dr. Whites work, but his personal comments and his articles differ significantly in tone. Donald Casadonte He seems to leave it up to the individual, and seems to assume that each individual will personally experience divine revelation regarding the proper Canon. Your suggestion of Whites book, btw, is I think more profitable to getting across your view than anything else. He was born a catholic, like many got hijacked away from the church (just read that droves of Latinos are leaving for the charismatics which does not bode well for the church) and as he has grown a bit older, like all children has decided to return home. No. A. This is the same type of answer Dr. Beckwith was giving in his interview with Koukl. Intent is not dispositive. Went almost two hours today but its an important program. I have a question Matthew, if the Catholic church is salvation through Christ, why must one confess to a Catholic priest to recieve absolution? Anonymous who I gather is Eric, It would be accepted in almost any peer-reviewed humor journal (with modifications for academease). Or do you deliberately GLOSS OVER Whites specious statements??? Dont you lose under Godwins Law as soon as you say that Islamists are the Nazis of the post-9/11 world? Foxfier defies Aristotillean logic and that does it for me. Your style is like cotton candy, only without all that painful grit. repentance from a change of Universi X sunt Y. My father had a deep concern, as a Baptist, for Catholics because he truly believed they were going to hell in ignorance. (there are some YouTube videos of White debating the issue if you'd like to I didnt accuse anyone of anything. Nope. Most infamously, Foxes book of martyrs passed off the baseless libel that the Irish had been murdering Protestants, so it was absolutely just to invade them, strip them of citizenship, and persecute them for their religion. Jimmy just seems to me to give very good example in this particular area. BUT I do think he exxagerrated this one. You insist that it neccessitates the rejection of the FACT that God used the councils to establish the canon of the Church. Jimbo, How you went from credit given to the posters here (and the Church) to glory is beyond me. Would you calmly acquiesce, or would you expect us to provide the basics of the topics that Jimmy covered? Sorry to repeat what you wrote before. 2. Maccabees (I) I cant believe I trawled this com box on a sunny Saturday afternoon, but it wasnt all dank and darkness. In simple words, Dr. White has created two dead jokes (or as professional comedians call them, humor killers). That happens and that is ok. MY HEAD HURTS. With James Renihan vs. Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan, With Geoff Volker vs. Robert Strimple and Gary Johnson, With Robert Zins vs. Scott Butler and Robert Sungenis, Islam and Christianity: A Matter of Denial in Answering Islam:Countering Terror with Truth. Linework tattoos are quite popular among both men and women and often receive a great review. But. Jesus wants me to be rich. Foxflier, I did read Jimmys response to Dr. Whites comments. We just dont believe that it each of us is free to interpret every word that it contains. I wasnt offended. I corrected your statement to indicate that it was the disciples who were empowered. In this case however, we see an individual Protestant apologist who has humiliated himself and his cause by his attitude and behavior. Intricate And Graceful Alpha Omega Tattoo, Vivid And Flamboyant Red Alpha Omega Tattoo. Jesus or Paul? I apologize if I did. It was inappropriate. Its Akins Law that includes comparisons with Islamists. You can defend Whites use of those photos, but as a consequence, dont be surprised when people dont want to engage in discussion with you or White. Do this and you will live. Again, I ask you, how do you know that the books that are in the bible belong there? I would tend to agree, excepting the comparison being made here is not Catholics being murderous, but that those who call for James Whites charity do not bear it themselves. As Zack was pastoring in the summer 2012, he was awakened to the abortion holocaust and has never been the same since. James White Has Completely Lost It. It was Christ Himself, and no one else, Who chose His Apostles and disciples, and commanded them to teach His doctrines to all the world. No, not required if you dont want your sins forgiven. I got a notification on my phone about an article posted by my daughter Summer, so I opened it up and began to read. White, J. R. Scripture Alone, Bethany House Publishers, Bloomington, MN, p.100-103. I dont often myself because it usually gives off more heat than light in this format. It also makes an excellent chest tattoo, especially if you choose to also get the Alpha symbol on the other side of your chest. missed an and doesnt seem to perceive the inconsistency of their own message. We dont *care* what you want to do to slander someone who actually has enough class to make an impassioned, rational speech. furthermore, the rejection of books like the apocrypha also falls under the revelation of Gods infallible cannon to His people, so dont jump on that bandwagon either. MY HEAD HURTS. And who knows? Please quote to me how White has claimed victory via the pictures posted. Not to mention a call to the authorities. White chooses Nicea as some type of magical benchmark, because certain beliefs werent formally defined then, even though the belief existed (i.e., transubstantiation). In a pigs eye. This is a rather convient way to win a debate without ever having to defend a word you say. it wasnt a smear at all, but rather a big (and possibly willful) misunderstanding by Whereas true religion is solely a work of Gods Spirit, to make an eternal people for Himself. While God offers His forgiveness, He does not force it on anyone. (Two concepts you would do well to look into developing in yourself). Quite liberating, actually. Actually, Im sorry. a. To those who defend the pictures, they are: Yet, where is the logic in his argument: It seems here we have a presupposition that God will only act in the way Mr. White conjectures. You have no basis for assuming that someone here or at Catholic Answers is responsible for registering that domain and pointing it at catholic.com, but its implied by your comment. Posted by: CareBear | Aug 9, 2007 10:09:37 PM Whats worst is that these are the kind of folks that make Protestants look bad! I thought that this was an apologetics website, but I see little apologetics going on, only fingers being pressed against ears while the big, mean protestants ask tough questions. Any other fallacious statements or can I get back to something fruitful? Your opinions dont matter. Its getting hot in here. 1,157 were here. Really, I dont think its unreasonable to request that information beyond go read this book be provided when having a discussion. I found Whites rant about the crusades in his most recent blog entry interesting. (pre-feeds begin 30 minutes or so before start of program). It also doesnt say we have to forgive one who does not repent. If Evangelicals can shift between these points of view while reading the same Biblesola Scripturawhy is it such a shock that one can shift ones opinion about the meaning of Trent? Note that it doesnt matter whether or not a person is correct in their attempt to admonish. on his lack of charity when they cant be charitable themselves. The comment has nothing to do with your race, gender, faith, sexual preference, political affiliation, or physical appearance. Mike Petrik- Dude, chill. Started off with a run down on a major project we are undertaking during this, our 40th Anniversary year. That is, why would Catholic anybody (e.g., Catholic Answers, Jimmy Akin, or especially the Catholic Church) actually engage in such an act? Yes, other than to say it was done so as to forward from jamesrwhite.org to catholic.com. , Bethany House Publishers, Bloomington, MN, p.100-103 intricate and Graceful Alpha Omega Tattoo, Vivid and Red... At the Church that we must forgive with the words if he repents without ever having to defend word! Found Whites rant about the crusades in his most recent blog entry interesting GLOSS OVER Whites specious statements??... Each of us outside your walls this snippet begins with a rather convient way to win debate... Of course by that I mean owning up to one. sisters in Christ who are failing some. Law as soon as you say that Islamists are the Nazis of the post-9/11 world responding to the belong... It each of us outside your walls these folks who have deviously perpetrated the entire here! 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james white alpha omega tattoo